4211 Yonge St, Toronto, ON M2P 1N6, Canada
1-877-244-9686 (Ontario only)
The Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy (OFCP) is a non for profit charitable organization committed to supporting people with cerebral palsy of all ages in the province of Ontario. As many of our Members are students, attending schools in your area both primary and secondary, we would like to reach out to you to share our interest regarding your potential involvement.
Each school board in Ontario is responsible for establishing Special Education Advisory Committees (SEACs) and the regulation made under the Education Act sets out the requirements for that committee.
The Special Education Advisory Committees provide important advice on special education to their local board or school authority. They are comprised of trustees and representatives of local associations that further the interests and well-being of exceptional children or adults.
Information regarding Special Education Advisory Committees
SEAC members must be qualified to vote for members of the board and must be a resident in its jurisdiction. Members appointed to represent First Nations students do not need to meet this requirement as the students are attending the board schools under a tuition agreement.
Employees of a school board are not eligible for membership on the SEAC of the board that employs them. However, they can be members of another school board SEAC as long as they are eligible to vote for members of that school board.
The OFCP has been approached by the following school boards to advise us of a possible opportunity to sit on their SEAC representing OFCP:
The OFCP would be interested in knowing if there are any parents of a child who has cerebral palsy who would be interested in representing OFCP on these school boards, should opportunities for current or future representation become available. Please let us know at this email address if interested to learn more about potential involvement with the school boards. Please contact us at cathy@ofcp.ca regarding Special Education Advisory Committees (SEAC). Thank you.
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