
OFCP’s AODA Policy

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) became law on June 13, 2005. One of the key areas of focus is customer service. The Customer Service Standard came into force in 2008, with compliance required by January 1, 2012. For the OFCP’s AODA Customer Service Standard Policy Summary, please CLICK HERE.  To obtain a full copy of the OFCP's AODA Customer Service Standard Policy please contact us.

As we strive to improve accessiblity for our clients with disabilities, we welcome your feedback. Please call the toll free number at 1-877-244-9686 or local number at 416-244-9686. Or you can fill out the form below or just send us an email. 

Contact Us

The Customer Service Standard (AODA)

Every business and organization operating in Ontario that provides goods and services to the public or other organizations and has at least one employee in Ontario has to comply as of January 1st , 2012. To meet the requirements of the Customer Service Standard, organizations must:

  • Establish policies and procedures on providing goods or services to clients with disabilities. 
  • Provide training on how to serve clients with disabilities to staff, volunteers, contractors, and anyone else who interacts with the public or other third parties on your behalf, and those involved in developing customer service policies, practices and procedures. 
  • Establish a process for receiving feedback on how you provide service to clients with disabilities and how you will respond to feedback and take action on any complaints. Make information about the feedback process readily available to the public. 
  • Communicate with a client with a disability in a manner that takes into account his or her disability. 
  • Let clients with disabilities bring their service animals onto any part of your premises open to the public, except where the animal is otherwise excluded by law. 
  • Let clients with disabilities bring their support person with them when accessing goods or services on parts of your premises open to the public. 
  • Let the public know when facilities or services that people with disabilities usually use to access your goods or services are temporarily unavailable. 
  • Document all policies, practices and procedures to providing accessible client service and notify the public that these documents are available upon request. 

Effective January, 2012, organizations with 20 or more employees will have to begin to file online accessibility reports annually with the Government of Ontario, regarding their compliance with the standard.

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