4211 Yonge St, Toronto, ON M2P 1N6, Canada
1-877-244-9686 (Ontario only)
The Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy (OFCP) is a non profit charitable organization dedicated to supporting people with cerebral palsy (CP) in Ontario. (Charitable Registration Number: 10779 - 7722.)
The OFCP does this by providing and initiating a wide range of services, resources and programs for people with CP and their families as well as professional organizations. These services can range from education and recreation to housing and life planning. For more information on OFCP’s programs and services, click here.
The OFCP’s programs and services are funded almost entirely as a benefit of the collection and resale of used clothing and other used goods, as well as corporate and private donations and bequests. For more information on how to donate, click here.
The Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy is committed to supporting the most advanced and highest quality of Cerebral Palsy research, including the cure, cause, prevention, improved treatment and/or understanding of cerebral palsy. For more information, click here.
In 1947, the families of children with cerebral palsy came together across the province to exchange ideas and address the need for services and programs in their communities.
With little to no government support, these parents gathered in church basements and spare classrooms, collectively striving to provide education, therapeutic services, and social activities for their children.
Over the years, this dedicated federation received invaluable support from volunteers and philanthropic individuals. A community-based approach was required, as the existing support systems for people with CP were inadequate, often resulting in isolation, exclusion, and very little choice. In stark contrast, these parents held a visionary perspective for their children – a future where the quality of life for all people with disabilities increased exponentially, where the principles of dignity and choice held utmost importance, and where a person’s ability no longer determine their life’s course.
The Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy (OFCP) is a non-profit, charitable organization that strives to address the needs of people with cerebral palsy in the province of Ontario.
The Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy is an organization committed to supporting independence, inclusion, choice and full integration of all persons with cerebral palsy.
To our Consumers:
To provide solutions, through service, advocacy and research, which further equal opportunity, self-sufficiency, dignity and quality of life.
To our Employees:
To create an environment that nurtures, recognizes and rewards excellence.
To Society:
To demonstrate leadership through innovation and initiative.
To our Stakeholders:
To be accountable and responsible as financial stewards, quality service providers and advocates.
Our dedicated leadership team fosters the growth of the foundation through their expertise and commitment to our mission.
Past President
Board Member
Gaynor Rawson
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Our staff bring years of their expertise and commitment to our mission.
Mr. Victor Gascon
Renee Savas
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Facilitator
Cindy DeGraaff
Information & Referral Specialist
Steven B
IT Manager
Communication Co-Ordinator
Biswatie Oodal
Intake Administrator
Independent Living Facilitator
OFCP © 2024 All Rights Reserved Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | AODA Policy | Charitable Registration Number: 10779 - 7722