January 4, 2024

Research Recruitment: Family Quality of Life Study, the University of New Brunswick


We are seeking help recruiting parents of youth with either autism and/or an intellectual disability for our online survey on family quality of life during the transition to adulthood. Currently, we know very little about the transitional period for these youth. We are hoping to address this knowledge gap and provide rationale for the implementation of transition planning programs for youth with developmental disabilities in Canada. 

We would appreciate it if you could share the information below with anyone you think meets the criteria for the study. Please feel free to share the information in any way you feel is best for your organization (e.g., e-mail, newsletters, bulletin boards, social media, etc.). For your convenience, I have also attached a pdf poster that can be emailed or printed. If you have any questions about the study, please do not hesitate to contact the principal investigator, Lindsey McCullough, at unbtransitionstudy@outlook.com. This project has been reviewed by the UNB Research Ethics Board and is on file as REB 2023-151. 

Link to survey: https://unbfpsyc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eXV145qwfqoQsPs 



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